R. melanoleuca sp. nov. A, B. HT: ♂ A. Dorsal view; B. Fore- and hindwings, ventral view; C, D. PT [A23072706], ♀: C. Dorsal view; D. Fore- and hindwings, ventral view; E–H. PT [A23072704], ♂: E. Sternum A8, dorsal view; F. Phallus, lateral view; G, H. Main genital sclerites of A9–10; G. Posterior view; H. Lateral view. Scale bar (left) for A–D: 1 cm; scale bar (right) for E–H: 1 mm.

  Part of: Liu Z, Cao X (2024) Rondotia melanoleuca sp. nov., a new wild-mulberry silkworm from China (Lepidoptera, Bombycidae). Nota Lepidopterologica 47: 49-56. https://doi.org/10.3897/nl.47.109920