Male genitalia of Ochromolopis ictella. 2–4. specimen from Zljeb, Montenegro: 2. uncus-tegumen-vinculum. 3. valva. 4. phallus. 5–9. variability in socii shape: 5. Xauen A’Faska, Mauretania. 6. Piedmont, Italy. 7. Neustadt, Germany. 8. Naumburg, Germany. 9. Vienna, Austria.

  Part of: Gaedike R, Mally R (2014) On the taxonomic status of Ochromolopis ictella (Hübner, 1813) and O. zagulajevi Budashkin & Sachkov, 1991 (Lepidoptera, Epermeniidae). Nota Lepidopterologica 37(1): 49-62.