K. A. Efetov, S. A. Knyazev, E. E. Kucherenko (2022)
The first record of Jordanita (Solaniterna) subsolana (Staudinger, 1862) from Kazakhstan (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae, Procridinae).
SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología50: 233.
DOI: 10.57065/shilap.127
K. A. Efetov, G. M. Tarmann (2020)
Sobre la biología, ecología y primeros estadios de Rhagades (Wiegelia) predotae (Naufock, 1930) (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae, Procridinae).
SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología48: 513.
DOI: 10.57065/shilap.368
Feza CAN, Konstantin A. EFETOV, Joseph BURMAN, Kamuran KAYA, Elena E. KUCHERENKO, Başak ULAŞLI, Gerhard M. TARMANN (2019)
A study of the Zygaenidae (Lepidoptera) fauna of Central Anatolia, Turkey.
Turkish Journal of Entomology
: 189.
DOI: 10.16970/entoted.512580
K. A. Efetov, Z. S. Lazareva, E. V. Parshkova, G. M. Tarmann (2021)
Molecular Genetic Characters of Species of the Genus Jordanita Verity, 1946 (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae, Procridinae): DNA Barcodes and Corresponding Amino Acid Sequences.
Russian Journal of Genetics57: 61.
DOI: 10.1134/S1022795420120054
K. A. Efetov, G. M. Tarmann (2022)
Zygaena (Zygaena) nevadensis gerrysila Efetov & Tarmann, a new subspecies from Calabria, Italy (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae, Zygaeninae).
SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología50: 537.
DOI: 10.57065/shilap.68
K. A. Efetov, E. E. Kucherenko, G. M. Tarmann (2020)
An application of the synthetic sex attractants from the series “EFETOV-2” for studying Procridinae in Italy (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae).
SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología48: 733.
DOI: 10.57065/shilap.351
Konstantin A. Efetov, Gerhard M. Tarmann (2024)
Pseudoinouela meyi Efetov & Tarmann, a new genus and species (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae) from the Philippines.
Ecologica Montenegrina75: 178.
DOI: 10.37828/em.2024.75.16
Revision of the genus Pollanisus Walker, 1854(Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae: Procridinae).
Zootaxa5281: 1.
DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5281.1.1
Konstantin A. Efetov, Elena E. Kucherenko (2023)
Synthesis and field testing of esters of (2R)-butan-2-ol and (2S)-butan-2-ol and monounsaturated fatty acids as sex attractants for the males of Procridinae species (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae).
SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología51: 375.
DOI: 10.57065/shilap.474
Konstantin A. Efetov, Gerhard M. Tarmann (2024)
Adscita (Tarmannita) antoniovivesi Efetov & Tarmann, a new species of the genus Adscita Retzius, 1783, from Spain (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae, Procridinae).
SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología52: 9.
DOI: 10.57065/shilap.842
Feza CAN, Başak ULAŞLI, Evrim KARAÇETİN, Serdar AKAR (2022)
Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences
: .
DOI: 10.23902/trkjnat.1115893
Konstantin A. Efetov, Gerhard M. Tarmann (2022)
On recently described Procridinae taxa from the Volga Region (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae).
SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología50: 665.
DOI: 10.57065/shilap.255
A new species of Piarosoma Hampson, 1893 (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae, Procridinae, Artonini) from Arunachal Pradesh, India.
Zootaxa5270: 139.
DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5270.1.9
Konstantin A. Efetov, Gerhard M. Tarmann (2017)
The Hypothetical Ground Plan of the Zygaenidae, with a Review of the Possible Autapomorphies of the Procridinae and the Description of the InouelinaeSubfam. nov..
Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society71: 20.
DOI: 10.18473/lepi.v71i1.a5
Feza Can Cengiz, Konstantin A. Efetov, Kamuran Kaya, Elena E. Kucherenko, Zühal Okyar, Gerhard M. Tarmann (2018)
Zygaenidae (Lepidoptera) of Thrace Region of Turkey.
Nota Lepidopterologica41: 23.
DOI: 10.3897/nl.41.21065
Reza Zahiri, Gerhard Tarmann, Konstantin A. Efetov, Hossein Rajaei, Maryam Fatahi, Matthias Seidel, Birgit Jaenicke, Thure Dalsgaard, Marcy Sikora, Martin Husemann (2021)
An illustrated catalogue of the type specimens of Lepidoptera (Insecta) housed in the Zoological Museum Hamburg (ZMH): Part I. superfamilies Hepialoidea, Cossoidea, and Zygaenoidea.
Evolutionary Systematics5: 39.
DOI: 10.3897/evolsyst.5.62003
Mirela Mirić, Konstantin A. Efetov, Gerhard M. Tarmann, Andrea Chiocchio, Maria Heikkilä, David L. Wagner, Jadranka Rota (2024)
First comprehensive higher level phylogeny of Zygaenidae (Lepidoptera) including estimated ages of the major lineages and a review of known zygaenid fossils.
Systematic Entomology49: 610.
DOI: 10.1111/syen.12634
Konstantin A. Efetov, Svyatoslav A. Knyazev, Elena E. Kucherenko (2024)
New results of testing the attractant EFETOV-2 in the Far East of Russia, Siberia and South Africa.
Ecologica Montenegrina71: 323.
DOI: 10.37828/em.2024.71.35
Başak ULAŞLI, Feza CAN CENGİZ (2021)
Determination of Zygaenidae (Lepidoptera) species by morphological and molecular methods in the Eastern Mediterranean Region of Turkey.
Turkish Journal of Entomology45: 245.
DOI: 10.16970/entoted.894266
E. Drouet, T. B. Toshova, K. A. Efetov (2021)
Results of the use of synthetic sex attractant lures for Zygaenidae in south-eastern France (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae).
SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología49: 183.
DOI: 10.57065/shilap.334
Cihan Yardim, Konstantin A. Efetov, Selime Ölmez Bayhan, Feza Can, Elena E. Kucherenko (2024)
Results of an application of sex attractant EFETOV-2 in Southeastern Anatolia of Türkiye (Turkey).
Ecologica Montenegrina78: 260.
DOI: 10.37828/em.2024.78.25
K. A. Efetov (2018)
Zygaena (Agrumenia) sedi cimmerica Efetov, una nueva subespecie de Crimea (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae, Zygaeninae).
SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología46: 347.
DOI: 10.57065/shilap.818
Konstantin A. Efetov, Anna V. Kirsanova, Zoya S. Lazareva, Ekaterina V. Parshkova, Gerhard M. Tarmann, Rodolphe Rougerie, Paul D. N. Hebert (2019)
DNA barcoding of Zygaenidae (Lepidoptera): results and perspectives.
Nota Lepidopterologica42: 137.
DOI: 10.3897/nl.42.33190
S. Huang, K. A. Efetov (2021)
The discovery of the second specimen of Striartona clathrata (Poujade, 1886), hitherto known only from the female holotype (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae, Procridinae, Artonini).
SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología49: 569.
DOI: 10.57065/shilap.293
Konstantin A. Efetov, Gerhard M. Tarmann (2024)
An annotated catalogue of the Procridinae of the World (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae).
SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología52: 409.
DOI: 10.57065/shilap.956
Vazrick Nazari, Konstantin A. Efetov (2023)
Zygaenidae on stamps (Insecta: Lepidoptera).
SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología51: 327.
DOI: 10.57065/shilap.465
Konstantin A. Efetov, Sergey Yu. Sinev, Gerhard M. Tarmann (2025)
Neochalcosia remota (Walker, 1854) (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae, Chalcosiinae, Chalcosiini) from the territory of Russia.
Ecologica Montenegrina81: 87.
DOI: 10.37828/em.2025.81.12
Konstantin A. Efetov, Onat Başbay, Özgü Başbay, Feza Can (2024)
First record of the genus Zygaenoprocris Hampson, 1900 (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae) from Türkiye (Turkey).
Ecologica Montenegrina79: 168.
DOI: 10.37828/em.2024.79.17
K. A. Efetov, C. Koshio, E. E. Kucherenko (2018)
Un nuevo atrayente sexual sintético para los machos de Illiberis (Primilliberis) pruni Dyar, 1905 (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae, Procridinae).
SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología46: 263.
DOI: 10.57065/shilap.817
K. A. Efetov, G. M. Tarmann (2020)
Sobre la biología, ecología y conservación de Jordanita (Gregorita) hispanica (Alberti, 1937) (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae, Procridinae).
SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología48: 351.
DOI: 10.57065/shilap.388
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