Evgeny S. Koshkin (2021)
Life history of the rare boreal tiger moth Arctia menetriesii (Eversmann, 1846) (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae) in the Russian Far East.
Nota Lepidopterologica44: 141.
DOI: 10.3897/nl.44.62801
Ivan N. Bolotov, Mikhail Yu. Gofarov, Evgeny S. Koshkin, Vyacheslav V. Gorbach, Yury I. Bakhaev, Oleg E. Berlov, Sergey Yu. Gordeev, Yulia S. Kolosova, Alexander V. Kondakov, Alexey V. Korshunov, Grigory S. Potapov, Sergey Yu. Sinev, Spiridon S. Sleptsov, Vitaly M. Spitsyn, Evgeny G. Strelnikov, Andrey V. Timchenko, Risto Haverinen, Kari Nupponen, Hannu Saarenmaa (2022)
A nearly complete database on the records and ecology of the rarest boreal tiger moth from 1840s to 2020.
Scientific Data9: .
DOI: 10.1038/s41597-022-01230-8
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