Male (phallus with vesica everted) and female genitalia of Phtheochroa carpatiana sp. nov. A. phallus in dorsal view, Făgăraș Mountains, genitalia slide 1/20.1.2020; B. phallus in left view, the same specimen; C. female genitalia, Făgăraș Mountains, genitalia slide 3/20.1.2020. ab – accessory bursa; ds – ductus seminalis; gs – gonopore sclerotization; ld – left diverticulum; rd – right diverticulum; svd – small ventral diverticulum; vdd – ventral diverticulum of ductus bursae; vpp – ventral phallic process. Scale bars: 250 µm, A and B to scale.

  Part of: Kovács Z, Kovács S, Zlatkov B, Huemer P (2020) Phtheochroa carpatiana sp. nov. (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae), the Carpathian representative of the Phtheochroa frigidana species-group. Nota Lepidopterologica 43: 265-279.