Damage and developmental stages of pests in Cupressaceae. 1. Larva of Lamprodila festiva; 2. Damage caused by the larva of Cydia interscindana in the phloem; 3. Tunnel of the larva of Lamprodila festiva; 4. Exit hole of C. interscindana; 5. Fully grown larva of C. interscindana; 6. Adult of C. interscindana. Scale bars: 1 mm (Figs 1, 3, 5, 6); 10 mm (Fig. 2); 5 mm (Fig. 4). Photos were taken in Velence on 15.05. 2019 (5), 15.09.2019. (2) and 10.01.2021 (1, 3, 4) and in Budapest on 18.06.2016 (6) by Attila Takács.

  Part of: Takács A, Szabóky C, Tóth B, Bozsó M, Kutas J, Molnár S, Farkas G, Erdélyi K, Tunyoginé Búzás I, Hargitai C, Terman N, Menyhárt A, Bodnár S, Gajdos É, Bogya S, Csabai J, Molnár B, Nagy A (2022) Bionomics and host plants of the invasive Cydia interscindana (Möschler, 1866) (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae), an emerging pest in the Carpathian Lowlands. Nota Lepidopterologica 45: 53-64. https://doi.org/10.3897/nl.45.74236