Stigmella confusella, leafmines 64. Occupied mine, Netherlands, Leidschendam, 11 Aug. 2013, Betula pubescens, EvN no 2013098-3; 65. Occupied mine, dried with larva (barcoded), Russia, St. Petersburg, 1 Jul. 2016, Betula sp., RMNH.INS.31461; 66. Vacated mine, Netherlands, Goirle, 12 Sep. 1982, B. pubescens, VU no 82417; 67. Vacated mine, Norway, Stryn, Kjenndalen, 28 Jul. 2000, Betula sp., EvN no 2000115-1H; 68. Vacated mine, Finland, Harjavalta, 14 Sep. 2009, B. pendula 69. Detail larva of Fig. 64. Scale bars: 5 mm.

  Part of: van Nieukerken EJ (2023) Stigmella naturnella (Klimesch, 1936) (Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae) a fast-spreading European leafminer of Betula, with a revised key to linear leafmines on Betula. Nota Lepidopterologica 46: 37-82.