Stigmella naturnella, live adults 5. Male, 4.x.2020, Netherlands, Wekerom, RMNH.INS.25268; 6, 7. Female, 1.x.2020, Netherlands, Soest RMNH.INS.17204; 8. Hibernating adult under bark of Platanus, Belgium, Antwerp, 6.ii.2020 (photo Stijn Baeten), Scale bars: 1 mm.

  Part of: van Nieukerken EJ (2023) Stigmella naturnella (Klimesch, 1936) (Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae) a fast-spreading European leafminer of Betula, with a revised key to linear leafmines on Betula. Nota Lepidopterologica 46: 37-82.