Stigmella naturnella, biological details, all on Betula pendula 23. Larva, detail of Fig. 18; 24. Larva, detail of Fig. 21; 25. Early part of leafmine, with upperside egg, Wekerom, data as Fig. 18; 26. Early part of leafmine from underside, with underside egg; Italy, Naturno, 1935, coll. Wörz; 27. Final part of mine with exit slit on leaf upperside; Soest, Korte Duinen, 23 Aug. 2021, EvN no 2021120; 28. Cocoon, Wekerom, data as Fig. 18. Scale bars: 1 mm.

  Part of: van Nieukerken EJ (2023) Stigmella naturnella (Klimesch, 1936) (Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae) a fast-spreading European leafminer of Betula, with a revised key to linear leafmines on Betula. Nota Lepidopterologica 46: 37-82.