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Corresponding author: Peter Russell ( ) Academic editor: Thomas Schmitt
© 2016 Peter Russell, W. John Tennent.
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Russell P, Tennent WJ (2016) A synonymic list of names associated with western Palaearctic Melitaea phoebe (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) species group taxa (M. phoebe; M. punica Oberthür, 1876; M. ornata Christoph, 1893) (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae). Nota Lepidopterologica 39(1): 27-56.
Following indecision and confusion in the literature regarding nomenclature and distribution of Melitaea phoebe (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) and its closely associated congeners M. punica Oberthür, 1876, and M. ornata Christoph, 1893, a synonymic list of phoebe names, and of names both correctly and mistakenly associated with phoebe species-group taxa, is presented. Explanatory footnotes provide the basis of a stable source for future discussion of M. phoebe species-group populations throughout the species’ ranges.
According to a recent revision (
In this paper, we consider the common and widespread butterflies Melitaea phoebe (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) and M. ornata Christoph, 1893; the latter was not fully recognised as a species distinct from M. phoebe until 2005 (see below). We also confirm, not for the first time, that M. punica Oberthür, 1876, historically considered a subspecies of M. phoebe, is restricted in distribution to Africa north of the Sahara; the specificity of M. punica was confirmed by
As recognised here, the western Palaearctic Region extends from the Iberian Peninsula and Africa north of the Sahara in the west to the Ural Mountains and Kazakhstan in the east (approximately 60º East), and from the North Cape of Norway in the north to the Middle East, including Iran and Iraq, in the south (approximately 30º North). We recognise that a number of names relate to Melitaea taxa east of the Urals, and where these apply or may apply to the taxa considered in this paper, they are also included.
A detailed analysis of the Palaearctic forms and varieties associated with Melitaea Fabricius, 1807, was made by
So where did it all go so wrong? Modern confusion seems to stem from
M. ornata was first recognised as a species separate from M. phoebe simultaneously by
Placement of M. ornata and some associated Russian taxa as synonyms of M. phoebe by
Distribution of M. phoebe phoebe and M. phoebe occitanica in the western Palaearctic is presented in Note 1. However, it is considered important to clarify some details as to where, so far as is currently known, M. phoebe has been recorded as being present in the literature but is not in fact present:
(1) M. phoebe has been recorded from Lésvos and Chíos (
(2) In Greece M. phoebe has not been confirmed as occurring south of Mt. Vardousia, Fokida (Lafranchis pers. obs., ex Pamperis pers. comm.), and is absent from the Peleponnese (
(3) In Italy M. phoebe is not known to occur in southern Calabria, or in Sicily where only M. ornata is present (
(4) In the east M. phoebe is absent from Israel, except coastal areas in the North (Benyamini, pers. comm.), southern and eastern Iran and Iraq, except for one record from the extreme northeast (
(5) So far as the authors are aware M. phoebe is also absent from Jordan, where it is replaced by M. ornata (
(6) It is quite likely that M. phoebe is absent from Syria; although
Identification difficulties arise in part because of a lack of clear diagnostic features to guarantee separation of adult butterflies; the only apparently constant feature appears to be the colour of late instar larvae. However, there are other features which might aid identification, presented here with an indication of their level of usefulness.
Character | M. phoebe | M. ornata | M. punica | Reliability of character |
number of ova in batch | usually more than 100 | usually 30–60 | data lacking | good |
larva L4- final instar head colour | black | red-brown | black | confirms M. ornata |
final instar larva lateral stripe colour | white (phoebe phoebe) orange (phoebe occitanica) | no obvious stripe | orange | good (confirms occitanica outside North Africa) |
distal end of antenna | club shaped | spatulate | variable | fair |
shape of forewing apex | acute | rounded | rounded | fair |
wing underside background colour | creamy | white | white | fair |
hindwing underside premarginal marks | arcuate | triangular | variable, often triangular | poor |
premarginal markings touching veins | yes | no | variable, often not touching | fair |
voltinism | single to triple brooded | strictly univotine | double to triple brooded | good |
Those European regions in which both M. phoebe and M. ornata have been recorded as being present (although not necessarily sympatric or synchronic) are as follows: France (Var only), Italy (northern Calabria as far north as Campania (
The authors see no evidence to support subdivision of M. ornata into five subspecies (
Despite use of the name punica by various authors for populations of M. ornata in a number of different countries, Melitaea punica is entirely confined to North Africa, where it is restricted to Morocco and Algeria; there have been no reports from Tunisia (see Appendix: Note 3).
Melitaea phoebe abbas Gross & Ebert, 1975 Note 7 [Type Locality (TL): 50 km. NW Ardkan, Tange Sorkh, Fars, Iran, 2250 m, 12–].
Melitaea ornata adversaria Korb, Stradomsky & Kuznetsov, 2015 Note 8 [TL: Kirghizia, Kirghiz Mts., Ala-Too settlement vicinity, 1100–1200 m].
Melitaea phoebe var. aetherea Eversmann, 1851 Note 9 [TL: Russia ‘au Sud qu’au Nord’].
Melitaea phoebe aethereaeformis Verity, 1919 Note 10 [TL: central Italy].
Melitaea phoebe alatauica Wagner, 1913 Note 11 [TL: Issyk-kul, Ili mountains, Kazakhstan].
Melitaea phoebe ab. albina Verity, 1904 Note 12 [TL: Lucca, Italy]
Melitaea phoebe allophylus Rütimeyer, 1942 Note 13 [TL: Porté, Pyrénées Orientales, France].
Melitaea phoebe almana Gaede, 1930 Note 14 [TL: Elman Dagh N Syria]
Melitaea phoebe alternans Seitz, 1909 Note 15 [TL: Zermatt, Switzerland].
Melitaea phoebe Knoch var. amanica Rebel, 1917 Note 16 [TL: Kushdjula, Taurus Mountains and Das Dagh, Amanus Mountains, Turkey].
Melitaea phoebe rovia autumnalis Fruhstorfer, 1919 Note 17 [TL: between Brione & Contra, Italy].
Melitaea phoebe ab. baccata Delahaye, 1909 Note 18 [TL: Saint-Barthélemy, Maine-et-Loire, France].
Melitaea phoebe Knoch rassa bethune-bakeri de Sagarra, 1926 Note 19 [TL: Sierra Nevada, Spain].
Melitaea phoebe Knoch sbsp. n. canellina Stauder, 1922 Note 20 [TL: vicinity of Innsbruck, Austria].
Melitaea phoebe capreola Varga, 1967 Note 21 [TL: Podalia, Kiverci, Ukraine].
Melitaea phoebe var. caucasica Staudinger, 1870 Note 22 [TL: “Kindermann ganz ähnliche Stücke im Caucasus fing (?-Helenendorf; Kindermann leg.)”].
Melitaea phoebe caucasicola Verity, 1919 Note 23 [TL: “Kindermann ganz ähnliche Stücke im Caucasus fing (?-Helenendorf; Kindermann leg.)”].
Melitaea phoebe changaica Seitz, 1909 Note 24 [TL: Changai Mountains, Mongolia].
Melitaea phoebe ab. cinxioides Muschamp, 1905 Note 25 [TL: Switzerland].
Melitaea phoebe Knoch ab. confusa Joannis, 1908 Note 26 [TL: Vannes, France].
P.[apilio] N. Phal. [Nymphalis Phaleratus] corythallia Esper, [1781] Note 27 [TL: France (environs of Paris?)]
Melitaea phoebe crassenigra Verity, 1928 Note 28 [TL: Rozier, Gironde, France].
Melitaea phoebe form deleta Verity, 1919 Note 29 [TL: Tuscany, Italy].
Melitaea phoebe Knoch dorae Graves, 1925 Note 30 [TL: Nabatea, Petra, Jordan].
Melitaea phoebe tusca emipauper Verity, 1919 Notes 31 & 96 [TL: Vallombrosa, Tuscany, Italy].
Melitaea phoebe emipunica Verity, 1919 Note 32 [TL: Palermo district, Sicily, Italy].
Melitaea phoebe mod. enoch Higgins, 1941 Note 33 [TL: Askhabad, Turkmenistan].
Melitaea phoebe occitanica f. estrela Higgins, 1941 Note 34 [TL: Sierra de Estrela, Portugal]
Melitaea phoebe Knoch ab. fasciata Galvagni, 1934 Note 35 [TL: ‘Austria Inferior’].
Melitaea phoebe Knoch rassa occitanica Staudinger 2-gen. francescoi de Sagarra, 1926 Notes 5 & 36 [TL: between St. Pere & Vilamajor, Catalonia, Spain, July/August].
Melitaea phoebe gaisericus Hemming, 1941 Note 37 [TL: Mogador (=Essaouira), Morocco].
Melitaea phoebe galliaemontium Verity, 1928 Note 38 [TL: Mont Dore, Puy de Dome, France].
Melitaea phoebe gerinia Fruhstorfer, 1917 Note 39 [TL: Lisbon, Portugal].
Melitaea phoebe ab. geyeri Aigner-Abafi, 1906 Note 40 [TL: Szaár (Komitat Fejér), Hungary].
Melitaea phoebe guevara Fruhstorfer, 1917 Note 41 [TL: Castile, Spain].
Melitaea phoebe Knoch ab. gürtleri Joukl, 1908 Note 42 [TL: Plitvička Jezera, Croatia]
Melitaea phoebe occitanica f. juliae Molina & Ocete, 1986 Note 43 [TL: Loma de la Amoladera, Guadalcanal (Seville), Spain]
Melitaea phoebe koios Fruhstorfer, 1908 Note 44 [TL: Klausen, Switzerland].
Melitaea phoebe kovacsi Varga, 1967 Note 45 [TL: Budakeszi, Hungary].
Melitaea phoebe leechi Rothschild, 1917 Note 46 [TL: Mogador (= Essaouira), Morocco].
Melitaea phoebe lokris Fruhstorfer, 1908 Note 47 [TL: Saratov, Russia].
Melitaea phoebe malvida Gaede, 1930 Note 48 [TL: Meklen Pass, Bosnia].
Melitaea phoebe mandarina Seitz, 1909 Note 49 [TL: Mongolia].
Melitaea phoebe var. melanina Bonaparte, 1831 Note 50 [TL: Monti Subiaco (= Livata), near Santa Scolastica, Arbruzzo, Italy.
Melitaea phoebe minoa Fruhstorfer, 1917 Note 51 [TL: Engadin, Switzerland].
Melitaea phoebe ab. minor Wheeler, 1903 Note 52 [TL: Switzerland].
Melitaea phoebe monilata Verity, 1919 Note 53 [TL: Wallis (= Valais), Switzerland].
Melitaea phoebe monilataeformis Verity, 1919 Notes 54 & 96 [TL: Tuscany, Italy].
Melitaea phoebe narenta Fruhstorfer, 1917 Note 55 [TL: Jablanica, Herzegovina].
Melitaea phoebe nigroalternans Verity, 1919 Note 56 [TL: Mont Cenis, French/Italian border].
Melitaea phoebe nigrogygia Verity, 1939 Note 57 [TL: Abbazia = Opatija, Istria, Croatia].
Melitaea phoebe mod. nimbula Higgins, 1941 Note 58 [TL: Espinama, Picos de Europa, Cantabria, Spain].
Melitaea phoebe occitanica Staudinger, 1871 Note 5 [TL: Andalusia, Spain].
Melitaea phoebe ogygia Fruhstorfer, 1907 Note 59 [TL: Island of Poros, Greece].
Melitaea phoebe ornata Christoph, 1893 Notes 2 & 6 [TL: Circa ‘Guberli’, promontorium uralensium australium (Guberlya, Orenburg Province, Russian Federation)].
Melitaea phoebe Schiff. ornatiformis (gen. aestiva) de Sagarra, 1930 Note 60 [TL: Villacabras, Cuenca, Spain].
Melitaea phoebe ottonis Fruhstorfer, 1917 Note 61 [TL: “Kindermann ganz ähnliche Stücke im Caucasus fing (?-Helenendorf; Kindermann leg.)”].
P.[apilio] NP Paedotrophos Bergsträsser, 1780 Note 62 [TL: Hanau-Münzenberg, Germany]
Melitaea phoebe subsp. parascotosia Collier, 1933 Note 63 [TL: Sutschan, Russian Federation].
Melitaea phoebe ab. parva Gerhard, 1882 Note 64 [TL: Fünfkirchen (= Pecs), Hungary].
Melitaea phoebe var. parva Caradja, 1895 Note 65 [TL: Bucharest, Romania].
Melitaea phoebe pauper Verity, 1919 Notes 66 & 96 [TL: Florence, Italy].
P.[apilio] phoebe Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775 Notes 1, 4 & 6 [TL: environs of Vienna, Austria].
Melitaea phoebe phoebina Turati, 1919 Note 67 [TL: Aspromonte Mountains, Calabria, Italy].
Melitaea phoebe postnarenta Verity, 1939 Note 68 [TL: St. Dionisio, Mt. Olympos, Greece].
Melitaea phoebe postogygia Verity, 1939 Note 69 [TL: Salonica (= Thessalonica), Greece.
Melitaea phoebe virgilia postvirgilia Verity, 1950 Notes 70 & 100 [TL: Vence, Alpes-Maritimes, France].
Melitaea phoebe pseudosibina Alberti, 1969 Note 71 [TL: Mt. Elbrus, Itkol, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia].
Melitaea phoebe punica Oberthür, 1876 Notes 3 & 6 [TL: Tazoult-Lambèze (Lambessa), Algeria].
Melitaea phoebe punica-powelli Oberthür, 1915 Note 72 [TL: Algeria].
Melitaea phoebe forma punicata Ragusa, 1919 Note 73 [TL: Sicily, Italy].
Melitaea ornata reliquiae Korb, Stradomsky & Kuznetsov, 2015 Note 74 [TL: Russia, Volgograd Province, Olkhovsky distr., Kamenny Brod].
Melitaea phoebe rostagnoi Turati, 1920 Notes 75 & 96 [TL: Rome, Italy].
Melitaea phoebe rovia Fruhstorfer, 1919 Note 76 [TL: Monte Generoso, Maroggia, Tessin, Switzerland].
Melitaea phoebe f. rubialesi Gómez Bustillo, 1973 Note 77 [TL: Loeches (Madrid), Spain]
Melitaea phoebe forma rubrofasciata Gušić, 1922 Note 78 [TL: Podsused, nr. Zagreb, Croatia].
Melitaea phoebe Knoch sarvistana Wiltshire, 1941 Note 79 [TL: Sarvistan, SE of Shiraz salt lake, Iran].
Melitaea phoebe var. saturata Staudinger, 1892 Note 80 [TL: Kentai Mountains, Mongolia].
Melitaea phoebe ab. seminigra Delahaye, 1909 Note 81 [TL: Pignerolles, Maine-et-Loire, France].
Melitaea phoebe Knoch var. sextilis Jachontov, 1909 Note 82 [TL: Zheleznovodsk, Stavropol Krai, Russian Federation (North Caucasus)].
Melitaea phoebe Knoch var. sibina Alphéraky, 1881 Note 83 [TL: Kuldjà, Ili Valley, China].
Melitaea phoebe rostagnoi ab. sterlineata Turati, 1920 Note 84 [TL: Monte Autore (Province of Rome), Italy].
Melitaea phoebe streltzovi Kolesnichenko & Yakovlev, 2004 Note 85 [TL: Western Mongolia, Hovd aimak, 30 km north-northwest from Bulgan somon, junction of Bajan-Gol and Bulgan-Gol rivers, 1500 m 11–13 August 2003].
Melitaea phoebe subcorythallia Verity, 1928 Note 86 [TL: Auzay, Vendée, France].
Melitaea phoebe suboccitanica Verity, 1928 Note 87 [TL: Auzay, Vendée, France].
Melitaea phoebe subtusca Verity, 1952 Notes 88 & 96 [TL: Nans-les-Pins, St. Baume, Var, France].
Melitaea phoebe sylleion Fruhstorfer, 1917 Note 89 [TL: Cogne, Piedmont, Italy].
Melitaea phoebe tatara Krulikovsky, 1891 Note 90 [TL: Casanum = Kazan or Casan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation].
Melitaea phoebe telona Fruhstorfer, 1907 Note 91 [TL: Jerusalem, Palästina (Israel)].
Melitaea phoebe forma totila Stauder, 1914 Note 92 [TL: Monte Cocuzzo, Consenza, Calabria, Italy].
Papilio tremulae Piller & Mitterpacher, 1783 Note 93 [TL: between Drau & Sawe, Croatia].
Melitaea phoebe tungana Seitz, 1909 Note 94 [TL: “Sajan District”, Russian Federation].
Melitaea phoebe tungusa Herz, 1899 Note 95 [TL: Witim & Vilui mountains, Siberia, Russian Federation].
Melitaea phoebe tusca Verity, 1919 Note 96 [TL: Tuscany, Italy].
Melitaea phoebe var. occitanica ab. uclensis Melcón, 1910 Note 97 [TL: Uclo, Cuenca, Spain].
Melitaea phoebe ufensis Krulikovsky, 1902 Note 98 [replacement name for uralensisNote 99].
Melitaea phoebe uralensis Krulikovsky, 1897 Note 99 [TL: district of Ufa, Russia].
Melitaea phoebe virgilia Fruhstorfer, 1917 Note 100 [TL: Alpes Maritimes, France].
Melitaea phoebe wagneri Wnukowsky, 1929 Notes 11 & 101 [replacement name for alatauica Wagner].
Melitaea phoebescotosia yagii Nire, 1917 Note 102 [TL: c. 5 km west of Mt. Asama, Shinano Province, Japan].
Melitaea zagrosi Tóth & Varga, 2011 Note 103 [TL: Zagros Mountains, Iran].
James Pateman (Tangmere, UK) is thanked for his dissections and comments regarding genitalia of specimens of M. phoebe and M. ornata from Montenegro and Russia. Assistance from Lazaros Pamperis (Larissa, Greece) in providing information on the presently known distribution of M. phoebe on mainland Greece was much appreciated. John Coutsis (Athens, Greece) is thanked for discussion on the origin of the type locality of the name nigrogygia. Dusan Zitnan (Bratislava, Slovakia) is thanked for translating the article by Joukl from the original Czech. Provision of a copy of the Delahaye (1906) supplement by Eric Drouet (Gap, France) was greatly appreciated, as was provision of
Note 1. Melitaea phoebe (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) [Type Locality (TL): environs of Vienna, Austria]: type material lost; neotype ♂ designated by
Note 2. ornata: (Melitaea ornata) Christoph, 1893 [TL: Circa ‘Guberli’, promontorium uralensium australium (near Guberlya, Orenburg Province, Russian Federation)]: this taxon was first recognised as a species distinct from phoebe by
The colourful adults were illustrated by
Recognition of ornata as a distinct species paved the way for the realisation that what had recently been referred to as “emipunica” (
Note 3. punica: (Melitaea punica) Oberthür, 1876 [TL: Tazoult-Lambèze (Lambessa), Algeria]: This species was described by
Subsequently, and presumably as a direct result of the action by
More recently,
Note 4. Melitaea phoebe phoebe: The body of the final instar larva of M. phoebe phoebe is black, including the head carapace, with black or orange tubercles and white spots spaced around each segment; these spots usually coalesce on each side to form an often prominent lateral white line (see Table
Some of the name bearing types originate from the eastern Palaearctic. For the sake of completeness these have been included. They are synonymised with nominotypical phoebe due to the fact that Kosterin (see
Note 5. Melitaea phoebe occitanica Staudinger, 1871 [TL: Andalusia, Spain]: the Type Locality of this subspecies was given originally by Staudinger as “It” (= Italy?) but it is now generally accepted that this was an error (recte ‘Iberia’:
This subspecies has also been separated from nominotypical phoebe using the results of enzyme electrophoresis by
Note 6. The species phoebe, punica, ornata: despite a series of articles (e.g.
Note 7. abbas Gross & Ebert, 1975: 44, fig. 61: synonym of Melitaea ornata.
Note 8. Melitaea ornata adversaria Korb, Stradomsky & Kuznetsov, 2015: 142 & plate VI: tentative synonym of Melitaea ornata. This material has been classified as both Melitaea phoebe saturata (
Note 9. aetherea Eversmann, 1851: 5: 73 and plate IX: figs 5, 6: synonym of nominotypical phoebe. Synonymised with M. phoebe by
Note 10. aethereaeformis Verity, 1919: 183: synonym of phoebeoccitanica. Specimens from central Italy which were similar in appearance to aetherea Eversmann, 1851 (
Note 11. alatauica Wagner, 1913, vol. 2: 89 (fig.): Junior primary homonym of M. parthenie alatauica Staudinger, 1881, and presumed synonym of nominotypical phoebe. The authors consider that this name is most probably related to M. phoebe since it occurs in the eastern Palaearctic outside the presently known eastern limit of the distribution of M. ornata (see introduction). Placed with M. phoebe by
Note 12. albina Verity, 1904: 54: we cannot place this form with either M. phoebe or M. ornata. An aberrant individual having the ground colour of the right hindwing yellowish-white (
Note 13. allophylus Rütimeyer, 1942: 438: synonym of phoebeoccitanica.
Note 14. almana Gaede, 1930: 208: probable synonym of Melitaea ornata. This name, attributed to Rebel, appears to have been first published by Gaede under M. phoebe (in Seitz, Supplement). Neither
Note 15. alternans Seitz, 1909: 216: synonym of nominotypical phoebe. A large brightly coloured subalpine form; not figured by either Seitz (1909) or
Note 16. amanica Rebel, 1917: 252: synonym of Melitaea ornata.
Note 17. autumnalis Fruhstorfer, 1919: 169: synonym of nominotypical phoebe. The second generation form of rovia Fruhstorfer, 1919 (see Note 76).
Note 18. baccata Delahaye, 1909: 10: aberration of phoebeoccitanica. The supplement in which this name was published was not available to
Note 19. bethunebakeri de Sagarra, 1926: 130: synonym of phoebeoccitanica.
Note 20. canellina Stauder, 1922: 18: synonym of nominotypical phoebe.
Note 21. capreola Varga, 1967: 131: synonym of Melitaea ornata. Varga described this as a subspecies of M. phoebe, but subsequently (
Note 22. caucasica Staudinger, 1870: 59, Taf. 1 fig. 2: synonym of nominotypical phoebe, but name preoccupied by M. didyma caucasica Staudinger, 1861; see ottonis Fruhstorfer, 1916 (a replacement name for caucasica: Note 61), and caucasicola Verity, 1919 (Note 23), a later replacement name. A lectotype ♀ and a paralectotype ♂ were designated by Nekrutenko (Hesselbarth et al. 2: 1028) from the Staudinger collection, housed at Zoologisches Museum der Humboldt Universität, Berlin.
Note 23. caucasicola Verity, 1919: 184: a replacement name for caucasica Staudinger, 1870 (see Note 22); a junior subjective synonym of ottonis Fruhstorfer, 1916 (see Note 61).
Note 24. changaica Seitz, 1909: 217: synonym (provisional) of nominotypical phoebe. Occurs in the eastern Palaearctic, further east than the presently known eastern limit of the distribution of M. ornata. Kosterin figured a final instar larva of this taxon from 10 km NNW of the village of Tasyrkhoi S Chita region (Dahuria), Transbaikalia, Siberia, Russia, Its black head carapace confirms probable synonymy with M. phoebe.
Note 25. cinxioides Muschamp, 1905: 69 (fig.): aberrational form of nominotypical phoebe. Its origin in Switzerland is outside the distributional areas of both phoebeoccitanica and M. ornata. An aberrant form with black spots in the submarginal brown spots of the hindwing upperside, resembling M. cinxia. This recurrent aberration is known to occur almost anywhere (pers. obs.). Placed with M. phoebe by
Note 26. confusa Joannis, 1908: 45: synonym of phoebeoccitanica. An aberrant ♂ form in which the upperside forewings are more reddish with the black markings reduced, the transverse black lines in the discal region are nearly obliterated and the hindwings are dark basally. The underside forewings have similar markings but the hindwings are yellowish white with enlarged dark markings.
Note 27. corythallia Esper, [1781]: 65, 67, Taf. 61, figs 4, 5: synonym of phoebeoccitanica.
Note 28. crassenigra Verity, 1928: 162: synonym of phoebeoccitanica. An occitanica form with heavy discal spotting from southwest France (
Note 29. deleta Verity, 1919: 184: aberration of (presumably) phoebeoccitanica. Aberrant female of form tusca (see Note 96) with almost all the black markings obliterated (
Note 30. dorae Graves, 1925: 100: synonym of Melitaea ornata.
Note 31. emipauper Verity, 1919: 184: synonym of phoebeoccitanica. Described by Verity as a medium sized, summer brood form of tusca Verity, 1919 (
Note 32. emipunica Verity, 1919: 184: synonym of Melitaea ornata. This name was used by
Note 33. enoch Higgins, 1941: 337: synonym of Melitaea ornata. Figured by
Note 34. estrela Higgins, 1941: 337: phoebeoccitanica. Said by
Note 35. fasciata Galvagni, 1934: 2: an aberration of nominotypical phoebe. This extreme aberration has the upper surface of the wings almost black with the forewing discal macules radially elongated into a fascia. The specimen was taken on 6.viii.1933 near Vienna; its origin places it with nominotypical phoebe. The name has been used by a number of authors to describe specimens in which the black markings coalesce to form fasciae; for example
Note 36. francescoi de Sagarra, 1926: 130: synonym of phoebeoccitanica. A name raised for specimens of the second brood of occitanica Staudinger, 1871, flying in July/August (
Note 37. gaisericus Hemming, 1941: 207: synonym of Melitaea punica. A replacement name for leechi Rothschild (see Note 46) (
Note 38. galliaemontium Verity, 1928: 162: synonym of phoebeoccitanica. A name raised for small, second brood specimens (
Note 39. gerinia Fruhstorfer, 1917: 1: synonym of phoebeoccitanica. This form is more uniform in colour than the contrasting highly coloured form found in Spain (
Note 40. geyeri Aigner-Abafi, 1906: 208: status uncertain. It is not possible to synonymise this aberrant male with either M. ornata or nominotypical phoebe, since both fly in Hungary (cf.
Note 41. guevara Fruhstorfer, 1917: 19: synonym of phoebeoccitanica. A lightly marked form from Spain with pale yellow ground colour, markings reduced on both wing surfaces (
Note 42. gurtleri Joukl, 1908: 97: status uncertain. This name was based on a single aberrant specimen, with a bright orange ground colour on the upper surface of the wings and underside wing bases that were said to be very dark. This sounds like M. ornata rather than M. phoebe, but the presence of M. ornata, although reported from Croatia (
Note 43. juliae Molina & Ocete, 1986: 869: form of Melitaea phoebe occitanica.
Note 44. koios Fruhstorfer, 1908: 194: synonym of nominotypical phoebe. Holotype examined by
Note 45. kovacsi Varga, 1967: 131: synonym of Melitaea ornata. This form has been placed in various combinations, including M. ogygia kovacsi (
Note 46. leechi Rothschild, 1917: 99: Melitaea punica. A junior primary homonym of Melitaea leechi Alphéraky, 1895 (
Note 47. lokris Fruhstorfer, 1908: 194: synonym of nominotypical phoebe. The upperside black pattern is more extensive than that of ottonis Fruhstorfer, 1916 (see Note 61) (
Note 48. malvida Gaede, 1930, in Seitz (Supplement: 207, fig. 13d): presumed synonym of nominotypical phoebe. Gaede attributed this name to Fruhstorfer, but without a date; unable to find an original Fruhstorfer reference,
Note 49. mandarina Seitz, 1909: 217: synonym (provisional) of nominotypical phoebe. This very large form (
Note 50. melanina Bonaparte, 1831 (125): 159: aberration of phoebeoccitanica. This male aberration had the discal ground colour of the underside of the hindwings and the submarginal lunules black. It was taken in July at Subiaco, which is only 400 m above sea level, thus it was almost certainly a specimen from a second brood, ruling out M. ornata. Not mentioned by any modern authors.
Note 51. minoa Fruhstorfer, 1917 (A. 2): 2: synonym of nominotypical phoebe.
Note 52. minor Wheeler, 1903: 84: an aberration of nominotypical phoebe based on size, specimens having less than 38 mm wingspan. This was an infra-subspecific name, with no status under The Code, but for the record, the name is preoccupied by Melitaea arcesia minor Elwes, 1899 (
Note 53. monilata Verity, 1919: 184: synonym of nominotypical phoebe. A large, boldly marked and bright alpine form; a specimen of this form from Simplon, Berisal, Switzerland, was figured by
Note 54. monilataeformis Verity, 1919: 184: synonym of phoebeoccitanica. This name was raised by
Note 55. narenta Fruhstorfer, 1917 (A. 2): 1, pl. 1, fig. 1: synonym of nominotypical phoebe. Fruhstorfer gave the TL as “Jablanica, Herzegovina”, which
Note 56. nigroalternans Verity, 1919: 184: synonym of nominotypical phoebe. An alpine form, which resembles alternans (see Note 15) but with a more extensive black pattern (
Note 57. nigrogygia Verity, 1939: (17): synonym of phoebeoccitanica. There has been some confusion related to this taxon. The TL was clearly stated by Verity (1939: (17); 1938: plate III, figs 12 and 14) to be Abbazia, Istria. At that time Istria was part of Italy but after World War 2 it became part of Croatia and the name was changed to Opatija.
Note 58. nimbula Higgins, 1941: 337: synonym of phoebeoccitanica.
Note 59. ogygia Fruhstorfer, 1907: 310: synonym of Melitaea ornata. Recognised as a distinct species by
Note 60. ornatiformis de Sagarra, 1930: 114: synonym of phoebeoccitanica. Type material taken by Querci, 24.viii.1928 at Villacabras, central Spain. Despite its nomenclatural association with ornata, geographical source clearly places this with phoebeoccitanica.
Note 61. ottonis Fruhstorfer, 1917 (A. 2): 1, nota: synonym of nominotypical phoebe (a replacement name for M. phoebe var. caucasica
Note 62. paedotrophus Bergsträsser, 1780: 14, pl. 75, figs 5–6. Synonym of nominotypical phoebe.
Note 63. parascotosia Collier, 1933: 54: Melitaea scotosia. Name based on a single ♀ specimen taken in July 1923; the author considered this subspecies to be intermediate between scotosia Butler and mandarina Staudinger.
Note 64. parva Gerhard, 1882: 126: synonym of nominotypical phoebe. A bright “second generation” form, reared from a larva – colour and host-plant unknown.
Note 65. parva Caradja, 1895: 47: probable synonym of nominotypical phoebe. A small, brightly marked variety of the first generation (
Note 66. pauper Verity, 1919:183: synonym of phoebeoccitanica. Described as a small, lightly marked form with pale ground colour, the usual summer brood form of tusca Verity, 1919 (
Note 67. phoebina Turati, 1919: 222: synonym of Melitaea ornata. A small mountain form (Aspromonte, above 1400 m) rather dark and heavily marked, related to totila Stauder, 1914 (
Note 68. postnarenta Verity, 1939: (17): synonym of nominotypical phoebe. Verity (1939: (17) gave this name to small second generation specimens of M. phoebe, resembling emipauper (see Note 31). The TL and details of collection for this form were mistakenly attributed by
Note 69. postogygia Verity, 1939: (16): synonym of nominotypical phoebe. Verity (1939: [16]) gave this name to a small form flying in the hills above Thessalonica in August; close association with the name ogygia (i.e. M. ornata – see Note 64) is misleading.
Note 70. postvirgilia Verity, 1950: 154: synonym of nominotypical phoebe. The second generation of the Alpine first generation form virgilia (see Note 100). Not listed by
Note 71. pseudosibina Alberti, 1969: 192, Taf. 1, figs 1c and 2c.: synonym of nominotypical phoebe. Synonymised with nominotypical phoebe by
Note 72. punicapowelli Oberthür, 1915: fig. 2338: synonym of Melitaea punica. Specimens of M. punica which have the black pattern partly obsolete (
Note 73. punicata Ragusa, 1919: 150: synonym of Melitaea ornata. Equated to emipunica (see Note 32) by
Note 74. reliquiae
Note 75. rostagnoi Turati, 1920: 223: synonym of phoebeoccitanica. A small second generation form, probably much the same as emipauper Verity (see Note 31) and autumnalis Fruhstorfer (see Note 17) (
Note 76. rovia Fruhstorfer, 1919: 169: synonym of nominotypical phoebe. According to
Note 77. rubialesi Gómez Bustillo, 1973: 36: form of Melitaea phoebe occitanica.
Note 78. rubrofasciata Gušić, 1922: 95: probably a synonym of nominotypical phoebe:
Note 79. sarvistana Wiltshire, 1941: 473, fig. 3: Melitaea sarvistana. Originally described as a race of M. phoebe based on two male specimens; a large form, with black submarginal lunules complete on both wings, other markings faint with nearly obsolete discal markings; on the underside of hindwings the black markings are prominent (
Note 80. saturata Staudinger, 1892: 323: synonym of nominotypical phoebe. A large brightly coloured form resembling many mountain forms of phoebe (
Note 81. seminigra Delahaye, 1909: 10: aberration of phoebeoccitanica. This aberrant female specimen, with almost black forewing uppersides, was taken in June at Pignerolles, Maine et Loire in west central France and thus outside the ranges of both nominotypical phoebe and M. ornata.
Note 82. sextilis Jachontov, 1909: 285: synonym of nominotypical phoebe. A small second generation form of caucasica (see Notes 22, 61) taken in the southern Caucasus in August.
Note 83. sibina Alphéraky, 1881: 400, Tabl. XIV fig.13: status unclear (distinct species/synonym of nominotypical phoebe). This taxon is distributed mainly outside the western Palaearctic, with a western distribution limit in the Republic of Kazakhstan (
Note 84. sterlineata Turati, 1920: 223, Tav. II, figs 10–12: synonym of phoebeoccitanica. Although placed by Turati as an aberration of phoebina (= ornata, see Note 64), the specimens were taken by GC Krüger, at 800 m altitude, in September 1909; it must therefore represent a second or even third generation form, which precludes it from being ornata, which is univoltine.
Note 85. streltzovi Kolesnichenko & Yakovlev, 2004: 103: synonym of nominotypical phoebe. Distributed along the south-western slopes of the Mongolian Altai. All specimens taken in the first part of July, flying in mesophilous grasslands and river valleys. The figures (Kolesnichenko and Yakovlev 2004: figs 10, 11 on plates V and VI) show both sexes are heavily marked with a pale background on the upper surfaces of both fore- and hindwings. The club shaped antenna and the arcuate submarginal markings appearing to reach the intervening veins (see Table
Note 86. subcorythallia Verity, 1928: 162: synonym of phoebeoccitanica. “The second generation of France” (
Note 87. suboccitanica Verity, 1928: 162: synonym of phoebeoccitanica. “The first generation of France” (
Note 88. subtusca Verity, 1952: 349: synonym of phoebeoccitanica. Verity (1952: 349) referred this form from southeast France to tusca from central Italy (see Note 96), and it is placed with phoebeoccitanica as a result. M. ornata from Var, France occurs in a very different phenotype from the form of phoebeoccitanica occurring in central Italy (
Note 89. sylleion Fruhstorfer, 1917 (A. 2): 2: synonym of nominotypical phoebe.
Note 90. tatara Krulikovsky, 1891: 236: status uncertain (possibly a hybrid). Spelt tartara (sic) by
Note 91. telona Fruhstorfer, 1907: 310: synonym of Melitaea ornata (but see below). The holotype and allotype were examined by
Note 92. totila Stauder, 1914: 373: synonym (provisional) of Melitaea ornata. The first author visited Monte Cocuzzo, the TL, on a number of occasions but, in spite of the presence of a known host-plant (Centaurea deusta Ten.:
Note 93. tremulae Piller & Mitterpacher, 1783: 69, Taf. 4: figs 1 and 2: synonym (provisional) of nominotypical phoebe. The TL of Croatia, from where there have been no substantiated reports of M. ornata, strongly suggests association with phoebephoebe.
Note 94. tungana Seitz, 1909: 216: synonym (provisional) of nominotypical phoebe. The specimens were described by Seitz (1909: 216) as very melanic but the specimens examined by
Note 95. tungusa Herz, 1899: 240: synonym (provisional) of nominotypical phoebe. A small form with obscure markings, in appearance somewhere between var. caucasica Staudinger (see Note 22) and M. ornata (see Note 2). Synonymised with M. phoebe by
Note 96. tusca Verity, 1919: 183: synonym of phoebeoccitanica. Described by Verity (1909: 183) as a form with bright orange upperside ground colour and reduced black markings.
Note 97. uclensis Melcón, 1910: 219: aberration of phoebeoccitanica. Described as an aberration of occitanica with the upperside black marginal semi-lunules separated from the black marginal line by red ground colour. Its origin in central Spain clearly places it with occitanica. Overlooked by
Note 98. ufensis Krulikovsky, 1902: 555 (footnote): synonym of Melitaea ornata. A replacement name for uralensis Krulikovsky, 1897 (see Note 99);
Note 99. uralensis Krulikovsky, 1897: 3: name preoccupied by Melitaea arduinna uralensis Eversmann, 1844. Replaced with ufensis by
Note 100. virgilia Fruhstorfer, 1917 (A. 2): 2: synonym of nominotypical phoebe.
Note 101. wagneri Wnukowsky, 1929: 222: replacement name for alatauica Wagner, 1913 (see Note 11).
Note 102 yagii Nire, 1917: 146, including fig. 2: Melitaea scotosia.This taxon is confined to the eastern Palaearctic. The name yagei (sic) was synonymized with M. scotosia Butler, 1878 by
Note 103. zagrosi Tóth & Varga, 2011: 265: synonym (provisional) of Melitaea ornata. This name was raised as a distinct species based on male and female genitalia and underside wing markings. However, it would appear from