Héctor A. Vargas (2024)
On Ypsolopha micromoths (Lepidoptera, Ypsolophidae) associated with Adesmia shrubs (Fabaceae) in the arid western slope of the central Andes.
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Carlo L. Seifert, Konrad Fiedler (2024)
Macroecological patterns in European butterflies unveil strong interrelations between larval diet breadth, latitudinal range size and voltinism.
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Baptiste Bovay, Patrice Descombes, Yannick Chittaro, Gaëtan Glauser, Hanna Nomoto, Sergio Rasmann (2024)
Adapting to change: Exploring the consequences of climate‐induced host plant shifts in two specialist Lepidoptera species.
Ecology and Evolution14: .
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Nok Ting Lam, Vladislav Ivanov, Leonardo Dapporto, Roger Vila, Marko Mutanen, Vlad Dincă (2024)
Conservation implications of a genomic‐based taxonomy for threatened allopatric Agriades butterflies.
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Veronica Hederström, Johan Ekroos, Magne Friberg, Theresia Krausl, Øystein H. Opedal, Anna S. Persson, Hampus Petrén, Yuanyuan Quan, Henrik G. Smith, Yann Clough (2024)
Pollinator‐mediated effects of landscape‐scale land use on grassland plant community composition and ecosystem functioning – seven hypotheses.
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Hana Konvickova, Lukáš Spitzer, Zdenek Faltynek Fric, Pavel Kepka, Dan Lestina, David Novotny, Michal Zapletal, Kamil Zimmermann, Jana Papp Maresova, Jiri Benes, Martin Konvicka (2023)
Perishing rich, expanding poor: Demography and population genetic patterns in two congeneric butterflies.
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Caroline Kebaïli, Stéphanie Sherpa, Maya Guéguen, Julien Renaud, Delphine Rioux, Laurence Després (2023)
Comparative genetic and demographic responses to climate change in three peatland butterflies in the Jura massif.
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Harry E. Clarke (2024)
A checklist of European butterfly larval foodplants.
Ecology and Evolution14: .
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.10834
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